Thursday, April 09, 2009

Time Management

How best do we manage our time so there is more available to us each and every day. Well the truth is that there is only 24 hours per day, so we cannot create any more time, we have all there is, but we can begin to manage it better.

First, start to log your normal activities each and every day. See if there are places, and there will be, were you can improve your efficiency. When I first did this I ran the log for about 3 weeks. I was shocked at how much time I was wasting on a continuous basis. On this list also remember to prioritize these tasks. Be honest too.

When the 3 weeks is past take a long hard look at what you are doing. Area's of improvement will become very obvious too you.

Time Vampires

For martial arts school owners and instructors these are a very real threat! These are often well meaning students, parents, staff or friends who just drop in to your office to talk. These people are always themselves running from place to place trying to get things done. This problem must be resolved. Have students or parents come to see you at preset times or by appointment. You can lose hours per week or day if you don't take charge os this problem ASAP.

This is a great start to getting control of your time and reducing your stress levels. I will go into other time management strategies in later posts.

1 comment:

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