Monday, March 30, 2009

Are you still charging test fees?

The subject of test fees came up on Saturday at Keith Hafner's Marketing Bootcamp. I have not charged test fees for coloured belts in over two years. We started fazing them out before that.

Hafner says "Test fees are death to student retention". I must also agree.

I remember when I took my first belt test back in 1984 and was charged $55 for my yellow stripe. Now I wanted to be a Black Belt, and wanted the training more than I can describe so I didn't complain. MY piers however were not very happy. 99% of them quit after a few months.

If you are still charging test fees consider building these costs into your tuition. Since belt testing is mandatory is is not smart business to turn around and charge for it. This will also assure your students test in a timely manner.

Parents may be paying it, but I can tell you they resent doing it. Don't nickle and dime them. Follow this and watch your student retention increase each month!

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