Monday, December 29, 2008

New Years Marketing Plan?

So have you considered your New Years Marketing Plan yet?

I hope so! Don't pay any attention to the crap you are seeing on the TV and in the News. Hard economics is the best time to do your marketing. Business who market aggressively in hard time do well. Those who stop always die.

Now divide your marketing up into two different type. HARD and SOFT. Now I am talking about martial arts school operations here, but this can apply to any business.

Hard activities are those things like TV and Print Ads, radio ads etc. Look at your stats and see what has been working for you. Your website is also hard marketing. Hard marketing is often expensive, so you want to keep track of what works and what does not. Now is not the time to waste money.

Soft marketing activities are things like Buddy Day, Movie nights, Belt Graduations etc, etc, etc. You can probable think of dozens of activities like these. Write them all down. Soft activities are often time inexpensive as well. Great for this economy.

What do soft activities do? When working with hard they result in enrollments. A great soft activity is meeting new people. There is a Tim Horton's right next to my school. I go in several times a day and see if I can meet someone new. Often I will be in uniform during class hours. Soft marketing can be done all day long.

One final note, STUDENT SERVICES.....yep, here I go again talking about student service. But there is no more important topic. Stephen Oliver, a great martial arts business man, can show you how to enroll 100 students in a month. But if they all quit, you lose!

For more information on this topic please visit our Martial Art Marketing Canada Website

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