Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saving Our Economy - Back to Reality

If you listen to the news, read the papers, all you ever hear about is how back our economies are. This is true. For many, many thousands of people things are very bad. Locally we have a radio station with a talk show. It has been dominated since the fal with talk about economic conditions, job losses and especially GM. Ford and Chrysler. The main topic? If we lose these companies, where will people find jobs?

Let take a look for a moment at one real problem with this way of thinking. Who will employ me? I have a degree, but no job. What feild should I be retrained in to get a job?

Our continent was founder by immagrants for all over the globe who came here for one reason. To make a better life for themselves. Non of these people came here looking for jobs! Some found work, but many, many of them created BUSINESSES.

We need to put the idea back into people's head that they need to resolve their problems by creating businesses. These businesses will hopefully grow and eventually employ other people. All the huge corporations that we know today started as small businesses and grew into what we now have. I believe the day of Mom and Pop operations will return and the days of WALMart will end.

If you are a martial arts school owner on a part time basis, start thinking about doing it full time. If you are a martial arts school owner without employment, now is the time to change your focus.

Our website and coaching program can help you with this transistion. However I do recommend to check out Dan Kennedy's information as well as reading anything and everything you can about starting a business and being successful.

If you have any questions, feel free to send me off an email at

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