Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Great Student Service Part 1

How do you keep students in a bad economy? Due to economic times people are cutting back on unnecessary items. With this in mind, you must make sure that the parents of you students view your school as a necessary item. How do you do this? With OUTSTANDING Student Services!

Are you going to lose some students? Yes, some people will just not have the money to pay you. That is OK, you need to marketing to the ones who can pay, and take care of the ones you have!

So lesson number 1 in students service (and retention for that matter), lets talk about belt testing!

Belt testing or grading is one of the most important things in your students life as a martial artist. Is your belt testing a positive, recharging experience for the student? Or is it something they fear and find as a negative experience. Belt testing for me when I started was anything but positive!

Here are some guidelines to help you improve your Belt testing experience for the student.

  1. NO TEST FEES! This is so very important I cannot over state it. Whatever you are charging for classes do not charge for testing. Parents feel like they are being nickle and dimed to death, or worse being ripped off!
  2. Test each student, every three months. This means you have a monthly testing or graduation. Even if it is for 1 person.
  3. They get a new belt each testing. Do away with stripes for rank! We have 14 belts in our system to Black Belt. The money you pay for the belt is worth the motivation of the student!
  4. Black Belt in 4 years. There first Black Belt needs to be 4 years from the start. Gifted students are no exception.
  5. Tips on belts. You need to tip each student, each month to show progress! Assign a tip week, the week before the belt testing or graduation! This will help keep attendance high!
  6. Send out a Testing Package for each student who tests. This is similar to an invitation to an event. This helps make the student know they are not just a number. Include invitations they can give friends to come and watch.
  7. Give a certificate for each belt colour change. Ours are printed on the school laser and the students love them!
  8. This is also a great time to promote events, honour any student or parent that you feel should be hononed (Jimmy won the speech contest etc)
  9. Have your Demo Team perform! (Showcase!!!)
  10. Start on time and end on time!!!! (try to do it all in 1 hours on Saturday morning if you can)
If you would like more information on this or other marketing issues for martial art school owners visit our website at

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