Now suppose you have an awesome website for your potential customers to visit. What next? This is were many entrepreneurs make their mistakes. You need to get at least a name and email address from your prospect!
Remember they came to your website because they have an interest or need in what you do. Now, if they like what they see you need a contact point. The answer to this is an 'autoresponder'. What is an auto-responder, well you are subscribed to one right here. There is your proof that it will work.
There are several methods for setting up an Auto-Responder system. One you can pay a company like Aweber to handle the job for you. You setup the groups you want, what information you want and they handle the databases for you. If you plan on having multiple opt-in mail lists like I do that is likely the best solution. There is also software available you can install on most servers and do the job yourself much cheaper. I am currently evaluating some products now which I will recommend at a later time.
After you setup is finish, write your email messages like this one and you are all set. Well I am going to leave it at this for the moment. If you have any questions on this topic feel free to email me.
Yours for building a strong, successful business,
Art Mason
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