Most marketing expert will ask you what it cost for you to get a call from a prospect. They will then tell you how effective you marketing is based on this number. My comment is WHO CARES!
I am more concerned with the cost of enrolling a student. I don't make any money on phone calls. This is why knowing the value of a student is so important.
So if you do an add in a magazine and it costs you $500, and you
get 3 students from the ad. The cost per enrollment is $166.66 per
student. Is that worthwhile? for me YES!!! The value of a new student
to me is about $1500, so I would I would spend $500 all day if it got
me 3 students? Do you see where I am going with this?
Here is another example.
3 different marketing methods.
A) Cost $600 per student
B) Cost $350 per student
c) Cost $75 per student
Which would you do? As long as your student value is more than $600, you should do all 3! You might want to put more money into C, but as long as they are all working, do them all!
This is what is called doing a marketing Parthenon. The more legs in your Marketing Parthenon, the stronger your grow.
More to come.
Master Art Mason
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