Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sale coming to an end

Well after about 6 weeks on sale I am finally going to return the Novice Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course to it's regular price of $250 plus shipping. Because of the HUGE response to the sale I kept the price down as long as I could. In fact it was very challenging keeping up on shipping the product the demand was so high.

Now it is time to focus on our NEW Novice Kyusho Online Course. This will be the premiere Kyusho Jitsu Course available today! The entire process of the course will run for about 11 months at which time you can achieve a Level 1 certification. 1st Dan Black Belt is also possible, but I will post more information on this later. What is this course all about? Well the best thing I think I can do is send you over to the site and you can take a look for yourself.

Novice Kyusho Jitsu Online Course.

Also, for those who would like to get in on our Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course Sale before it ends you can visit our website below. Friday April 30th is definitely the last day of the sale!

Novice Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course.

Watch for our Advanced Courses coming soon!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Dillman Camps 2010

Well I spent the weekend at the Muhammad Ali Training Camps with Grand Master George Dillman. It was an amazing event to say the least. The instructors all did a magnificent job as well. There was a ton of great knowledge shared this weekend. Above is a lineage photo taken shortly after GM Dillman promoted me to 5th Dan. To my left is Grand Master Steve Stewart, and to my right GM George Dillman and one of my students Louise St Jacques.

Also upon returning from the camps I realized I forgot to stop the sale on our Kyusho Home Study Course. So in celebration of this great event I will extend the sae until April 30th! Follow this link to learn more.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kyusho Jitsu News

Home Study Course Sale Ending

The sale on our Novice Kyusho Home Study Course is ending on Thursday April 15th. This DVD course covers all the information in our novice certification programs. The course normally sells for $250 plus shipping, but for the next few days it will be on sale for only $100 plus shipping. Don't miss out! For more information visit this website http://kyushohomestudy.info

Online Course Coming SOON!

Yes that is right, within the next 2 weeks we will begin to offer Kyusho Jitsu, both novice and advanced as online study courses. Right now I am working on the detail of the website dedicated to supplying the course materials.

These course will involved both written and video material to help any martial artist get a better understanding of the pressure point system called Kyusho Jitsu as well as to help the Kyusho Black Belt further his or her Kyusho education.

More information will be posted on ths website within the next few days. This will include costs per month as well as how to sign up. Bookmark this page right now and come back often or better yet create an account here and learn more right away!

For more information on this course visit our Kyusho Canada Website

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Kyusho Home Study Course Sale Ending April 15

For the past several weeks I have been offering our Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course for the amazing price of only $100 Canadian plus shipping. As of now we have been overwhelmed by the response to this great price.

However all good things must come to an end. On Thursday April 15th this course will return to it's regular price of $250,oo plus shipping. If you want a copy don't wait any longer order today! This price includes on year of email support!

Online payments can be made with PayPal or any credit card. Visit the Home Study Website for more details!

Thursday, April 08, 2010

Is Kyusho Effective?

The jury is truly out. About 60% of the people I will talk with about pressure points believe they know all about them, and that they don't work in real life situations. You know something? They are not knocking Kyusho, they are knocking their own art and don't even realize it!

To say you understand what kyusho is, without proper training, with a real qualified instructor is like listening to Britney Spears and saying you understand Mozart. It just simply is not factual. One of my long time students, of both my root art of Hapkido and Kyusho told me once he felt Kyusho was a calling and not for everyone. I am beginning to agree with him.

Kyusho Jitsu is not in and of itself a martial art. Yet it is every martial art, because all the systems have Kyusho in them, but it is like a dormant virus, until the understanding is there it means nothing. Kyusho is a way of thinking about the art you currently study, not about changing it to suit something else, like so many think. But, like any new learning the ego must be put aside. You will never learn anything while you are talking.

So as a Hapkido practitioner if I say Kyusho does not work, then what I am saying is Hapkido does not work. I know martial artist and kyusho practitioners all over the world. Some are part of the original Okinawan styles, other Chinese, Korean and some reality based combat system. Once people understand what Kyusho is, they all agree on it's effectiveness.

Now there are a lot of claims in martial arts, like we will teach you to fight in days not years. This is the live by the sword scenario. The people who really want these arts could fight anyways. Nothing wrong with that. But with 360+ pressure points on the human body, you are going to hit them anyways. The understanding of these points will make these hits more effective, period.

How do you get this knowledge? Study, and it won't happen tomorrow either. Like any martial art system, it takes time. If you are looking for instant combat skills, don't forget to take up shooting. Because in the real, tough world that is out there, the one most martial artist are trying to avoid, you will need that skill also. Hand to hand means nothing when everyone has a gun.

What system do you choose? The one that is right for your situation. Every system has it's good points and bad points, but they all contain Kyusho, pressure point fighting. The difference is the understanding that it is there and how it works.

For more information on Kyusho Jitsu, visit our Kyusho Canada Website or Our Home Study Course Website.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Novice Kyusho Certification this Fall

It is that time of the year once again. Starting on Saturday September 18th at 3:00pm at our Windsor dojo I will be conducting a NEW Novice Kyusho Jitsu Certification Course. This is a one year program that runs monthly. All dates are set one year in advance and will be available shortly. If you are interested in this course please contact me ASAP for reserve your place. Please see the information below for more details. I may be emailed at master@kyushojitsu.ca.

Kyusho Certification 2010-2011

Kyusho Jitsu Pressure Point Black Belt Certification Requirements

• Have purchased our Novice Kyusho Certification Workbook
• Attended 12 – 3 hour group sessions
• Must be an adult student (Age 14 and over)

Course Outline:

• Basic Anatomy – Vital Points
• 8 arm points
• 8 leg points
• Meridian and their destinations
• Cycle of Destruction
• Cycle of Creation
• 3 Power Principals
• What are pressure points and their locations
• Striking elements
• Chi exercises – basic and advanced
• 5 principals of Kyusho Jitsu
• 24 hour cycle
• Describe Yin/Yang and location on the body. (Which organs Yin/Yang

• Which stance to use when striking specific meridians and the purpose of
the stance (Neutral, Forward, Reverse, Horse, Cat, Cross Over)

• Which type of strike to use when attacking a Meridian

Form (Kata)
• Breakdown and pressure points attacked
• Level 1 – Punching
• Level 11 – Grab or Combination Punch
• Level 111 – Grappling with pressure points
• Resuscitation – Head – Heart – Lungs – (Both individually and together)
• Breakdown 3 self defense including pressure points and Meridians
• Basic Joint manipulation with Power Stances and cycle of destruction and
Meridian attacked. (3 only)

Final Exam:
• Pre Test Exam on above course outline and practical test.
All session are held at our Windsor School.

The cost of each session is $60 and must be paid on or before the date of the session. The
student must attend all 12 sessions, but if there is a session you are unable to attend a
makeup date will be set. The cost of Black Belt testing is $300 which will be payable at
the end of the year, approximately 6 weeks before the testing date, which has not been set as of yet.

If you have any question please contact my office at 519-962-9820. If you would like more information on the certification process please visit Kyusho Jitsu Canada's FAQ Page. If you are not close enough to my school to attend this course you could also consider our Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course.

Controlling an attacker with Pressure Points

Here is an video on controlling an attacker using two different pressure points on the face. Listen to the description in the video for all the details.

For more information on our Kyusho Programs visit out website, or for information on our Home Study Course follow this link.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Kyusho Seminars

If you have never been to a Kyusho Seminar I would highly recommend it. My first taste of Kyusho was back in 2001 at a seminar in London Ontario. Once I attended that there was no looking back for me. Below is a video taken from a seminar I did back in July 2009. It covers the basics, nothing fancy, just the foundation to get someone started in the art and science of Kyusho Jitsu.

This is very similar to much of the information covered in our Novice Kyusho Jitsu Certification Programs as well as out Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course. For more information on hosting a Kyusho Seminar at your dojo follow this link.

Monday, April 05, 2010

How to make Joint Locks more Effective

My root art is Hapkido. We do joint locks and until I discovered Kyusho Jitsu I thought we did them well. Below is a video sample of joint manipulation using the principles of Kyusho Jitsu. If you have any questions please feel free to drop by our Kyusho Canada Website and post them in our forums. If you would like information on learning the art of Kyusho Jitsu at home please visit our Home Study Course Website.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Effectiveness of Kyusho

Here is a video in which I talk about the effectiveness of Kyusho Jitsu and why you might want to consider adding it to you current training.

For more information pease visit out Kyusho Canada website or our Home Study Course Site.

Friday, April 02, 2010

So what is a kyusho seminar all about?

I will personally come to your school and teach a three hour seminar on Kyusho Jitsu and personalize it for your school and style of Martial Art! These seminars are an exciting and energizing experience for every Martial Artist… Not only will you be learning first hand but it also revitalizes interest and enthusiasm in martial arts for even the most seasoned practitioner!

  • Learn the applications for blocks and strike you’d never imagine

  • Discover the hidden moves and techniques in your kata

  • Best of all each seminar is personalized for your school, style and system!

What are the benefits to you, the school owner?

  • A chance to make some $$$. I will charge you a specific price for the weekend. You charge your students and guests whatever you want. You can make some serious money if you choose

  • Recharges your students. Seminar are a fantastic motivational tool for your adults and Black Belt.

  • I will personally coach you before the seminar so you will know what is going on! You will look like an you've been studying Kyusho already!

Take a look at this 7 minutes video on Kyusho Seminars. This is actual footage of a Kyusho Seminar!

For information on pricing please head over to our Kyusho Jitsu Canada website an visit the Seminars FAQ!

If you would like more information on hosting a seminar please fill out the form below and I will send some directly to your email with no obligation!

Thursday, April 01, 2010

My Kyusho Rant

This is a rant entirely for the non believers of Kyusho, most mostly the ones who speak ot against it knowing nothing except for maybe attending one seminar. I was in London on the weekend working with my instructor Steve Stewart. He did a knockout on some who did not know he was going to be KOed. After the setup strikes he was hit a large intestine 20 and went down hard. No one will fall backwards like this naturally. The body will not allow it, unless they are unconscious!

Now why am I telling you all this? Because I was the one who caught this 220 lbs young man. He fell so hard and fast his elbow collided with my bicep and ruptured the disel tendon. Less than 24 hours ago I had it reattached by a surgeon.

Need I say more?

For more information visit our website. Or our study at home information page.