Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Hitting a Home Run

One of the dangers that comes in marketing your martial arts school is when you do something that is a "Home Run". Most of the effective marketing things we will do are 'base hits' and sometimes a 'double', but the Home Run is rare and dangerous!

A Home Run is when your marketing efforts provide leads or students in greater numbers than you dreamed would happen. Of course is this great news! The problem is that we tend to then depend on this method, expecting these results to continue. They may continue for a while, but as we all are aware nothing is forever! The big problem comes when we have stopped doing the other things, the base hits, in lieu of the great results we are getting in one area.

Remember the base hits are what is going to make you school great. Don't look for the home run, but enjoy it when it happens!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Do you have a summer plan?

The NAPMA boys are currently talking a lot about the up coming summer and the slow down that tends to happen to most school. Summer at my school is a busy one and it has been that way the last 4 summers. Why? Because we plan it that way.

Every year I listen to instructors and school owners talk about how bad summer is. Since this is there focus, this is the result they will get. About 5 years ago after have the worst summer I can ever remember we decided it was time to do something about it. So rather then aim our marketing at September and October like everyone else does, we aim at June, July and August. it works too! In fact the wave has started early this year! We have enrolled 8 in May with more on the table! (by the way we charge premium prices for premium service). September and October are also still good months for us!

So get the lead out! Start your marketing NOW and see the benefits. Also, don't forget to plan some great events this summer to keep your students training!

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Free Kyusho Jitsu DVD

Register today by clicking this link and receive your FREE Kyusho Jitsu DVD! This DVD includes some techniques you can learn to use right away! There is no cost or obligation and we even pay the shipping! Don't wait this is a limited time offer!

Monday, May 04, 2009

Retain Adult Students - Learn Kyusho Jitsu at Home

Finally after a year of work, our Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course is almost ready to be released. We are expected everything to be ready to go early summer this year! Here is what you will find in this package.

* Our Novice Kyusho Jitsu Workbook
* Information on obtaining (Certifying) as a Black Belt
* 7 DVD's filled with study material you can begin to use right away.
* Monthly email newsletter
* Unlimited email support

So what is on these 7 DVD's?

1. Revival Techniques (dealing with a knockout) - Anatomy of a Pressure Point - Principles of Kyusho Jitsu
2. Meridians of the Upper Extremities -Understanding the Cycles of Destruction and Creation
3. Meridians of the Lower Extremities - Energy Flow Theory
4. Kyusho Jitsu Joint Locks and Principles
5. Stances, how they work and why - 24 Diurnal Cycle and how to use it.
6. Kata Bunkai (Breakdowns of 2 kata)
7. Bonus DVD - Kyusho Jitsu Self Defense Techniques

Pricing information and delivery information will be available very soon. Bookmark this page. This course will provide you with enough information to start using these principles right away. If you have any questions please email me at Visit our website at

Kyusho Jitsu is one of the most effective programs for the retention of adult students. Visit our website for more information.