Life can get very busy, especially for school owners/operators. It is always nice when you can find something to help make your life a little easier. Martial Art school software is one of those areas. Well, sadly they all seem to make operating a school a bit more of a pain in the ass.
Back in August 2003 I purchase MAS at the NAPMA convention in Orlando Florida. I was hoping it would live up to all the hype that was around it. Because it had no import utility I had to reenter all my student data. Now with 300 members and 500 or 600 prospects, this was a BIG JOB.
WOW, was I disappointed! Many of the features that MAS offered just did not function properly, nor was the program configurable to meet my needs. Oh well, guess I will just have to life with it.
Updates came regularly for the program, which was nice. Some bugs were fixed, others were created with the fix. But hey, it was livable. Then disaster struck, my laptop crashed. Well hey I have the database backed up on an other hard drive so I am set. Wrong again! I had also lost the 'key' for MAS when the crash happened. But hey, I know I will call tech support and get a new key! After making the call, being put on hold for 20 minutes, then told someone would call be back, nothing happened. I called again the next evening and was told that I would need to upgrade my serviced with them, since they had no record of my purchase to begin with. I was told the records were deleted and I was just out of luck. Purchase something NEW.
Well, I am sure you can understand my frustration! I tried emailing the company and did not receive a response. So much for support or anything else.
My solution? I am getting a very talented programmer to write some that WILL work for all martial art school owners large and small! It will be secure, configurable, and have full support. Not just some salesman looking for an up sell.
Keep your eyes posted here. The product is currently in production and I am hope some beta test version will be available soon! Plus, we are planning an IMPORT utility for MAS users!
More soon,
Master Art Mason