Good Afternoon,
Today I am going to take a minute to discuss flyers in particular and all print ads in general. As I was saying in the last post about how martial arts masters and instructors love to talk about themselves in all their ads and what a HUGE mistake that is, we now need to discuss the headlines of your flyers and ads.
I have watched over the years as so many school owner let 'ad agencies' or the creative (and I use that word loosely) departments of magazines write the flyers and ads for martial art schools. These ads NEVER work the way they should. You must control this function of your advertising and if you are not directly doing the writing yourself, learn these rules and watch what goes on closely!
Whenever I heard an ad professional tell me the ad is bad or their is too much information in the ad, I know I have a GREAT ad!
So, first for today. The HEADLINE. The headline is the ad for the ad, it is what make people read the copy! Using the name of your school, or the work Karate won't work. You will get the odd person who is thinking about martial arts already, but we want people who NEVER thought of the idea to read the ad. Your headline must be compelling! Here are few I have used very successfully.
2) Does you child have the attention span of a 6 week old puppy?
3) The Secrets to Building UNSTOPPABLE Confidence in your child.
4) Is your child being tormented by BULLIES?
All these work! Think of some of your own now and write them down! Look at other ads from different companies to get ideas.
We will go into more details soon!
Yours in martial art success!
Master Art Mason