Aside from this I will also cover new topics like No-Touch Knockouts, Chi Pulls and developing the bodies Chi to the levels of the masters! You will understand the principles of kyusho to the level of the masters making controlling of the opponent very easy as well as developing the ability to knockout any opponent! Here is a list of just some of the things covered in the workbook.
- How to use the cycles of destruction and 24 hour cycle to defeat any opponent
- Building the bodies chi for better health and longevity
- Chi Pulls for demonstrations
- No Touch Knockouts.
- Body Knockouts
- Leg and Arm Knockouts
- Much much more!
Right now for a limited time I am offering this eBook in pre-release at the special price of $49.00 CDN funds. The regular price of this book will be $99.00 at it's release date. Pre-release orders will ship on or before March 15th, as soon as the book is finished. (I have been know to finish early) By ordering early you will save at least 50% off the regular price. The book may end up being more than $99 after release. To order your copy right now simply click on the PayPal link below!